Thursday, July 23, 2009

Article on Examiner com

Did you see this article? writer Jess Motiff posted this: Pride of a city - The Green Bay Packers.

Let me address a couple of points in this article because I think it always better to listen to ME when talking about ME. Here are some quotes that need clarification:

"Favre was a great part of the team’s history." Not a great part, the greatest part.

"However, for some to think that he is the franchise is just sad." Some to think? Everyone to think. And I also think he made a typo. "Is just sad" was probably supposed to read "makes me glad".

"The Packers didn’t come into existence in 1992." Well duh... How stupid do you think I am? I came to the Packers 1992. They must have been in existence when I came to them.

If you allow for time to trade for ME, design game plans for ME, build a separate dressing area just for ME, that would make the beginning year of the franchise about 1990. I haven't looked this up but I'm guessing I'm pretty close on the year.

I'll be contacting Mr Motiff to correct these quotes.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ME on ME

Probably wondering why you haven't heard from ME for a while. Truth is, even I'm getting sick of ME. I mean really, how much more can be said about ME. We all know I'm the greatest, because, well, I'm ME.

So, I'm just gonna keep it low until I join the Vikings, because the Vikings deserve the best (ME) and I would never do anything to disrupt the team. Just ask the Jets. News you can trust, from ME.


Friday, July 17, 2009

High School Football Players

There's been a lot of speculation on why I practice with high school football players. I'm an attention whore, I'm this, I'm that. All valid points but wrong. Why not just ask ME. Who knows ME better than ME?

It's very simple. It's the same reason that middls age guys often look for trophy girl friends. To make them feel young, alive, virile. I can't turn back the clock, so I find younger teammates.

Thats also why I have a separate dressing room from the rest of the team. I need to feel special. I'm ME, and the team is them. It has nothing to do with ME being vindictive, petty, immature, clueless, egotistical, manipulative, selfish, despicable, legacy-destroying, and traitorous.

Are we clear now? Good...


Thursday, July 16, 2009

More Bashing?

Everyone seems to be a comedian these days... Ha, ha, ha. Brett's a vindictive, petty, immature, clueless, egotistical, manipulative, selfish, despicable, legacy-destroying, traitorous butt-head.

I can take the name calling people, but this site (Sconnie Nation) has gone too far. The 1st name is Bret, not Brent. Lucky they didn't put the last name or they probably would've spelled it like it's pronounced. Interesting story about that. When I was little, I couldn't pronounce Fav-re, so the family change the pronunciation for the greater good (ME). But I digress.....

This has got to stop. Isn't easier to love me than hate me? What's not to love? Even if I might be vindictive, petty, immature, clueless, egotistical, manipulative, selfish, despicable, legacy-destroying, and traitorous, is that really so bad? Think about it...


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Judas Favre

Have you seen this website? Judas Favre. Everyone seems to have an opinion about ME. Why don't don't people just listen & believe ME?

Do these people think they're funny? Talking & acting like I'm some vindictive, petty, immature, clueless, egotistical, manipulative, selfish, despicable, legacy-destroying, traitorous butt-head. I'd like to set the record straight. I am NOT a butt-head.

People, people, this talk has got to stop. Why do you all persist? If you think it's your job to pick me apart, I have one word for you. Retire...


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bevelle's Visit

Thankfully they sent my good friend Darrell to check out my arm, and not someone objective. I told him I'll only come back so I can stick it to the Packers for 2 games if I can make it through a 16 game season. No, really. An they believed ME.

Thing is, I didn't exactly make it through last year in one piece, and I haven't done any off season training (overthrowing high school football players doesn't count), but none the less, they believed ME.

Finally!!! A team that gets it. It doesn't matter what the Vikings think, or do, as long as I get my way. I am SO gonna kick the Packers butt have a great season. It'll be classic ME, just wait and see.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Unretirement Motives

So many rumors, so many untruths. Who leaks all that stuff anyway? Regardless, I think it's time for me to set the record straight on why I'm coming back.

Reason # 1: I just want to stick it to the Packers compete. I love the game so much that the only thing that really matters to me is sticking it to the Packers playing football.

Reason #2: I want to pad my stats cement my legacy. I also want to make boatloads of money leave a legacy for fans present & future.

Reason #3: Most important, I want to see my face on ESPN as often as possible help lead the Vikings to the playoffs & hopefully the Super Bowl after I stick it to the Packers.

We good now? I knew once you heard ME explain, you'd understand....


Thursday, July 9, 2009

40% For ME

You've heard the stories about the Vikings adjusting their playbook 40%, to account for my enormous talent ME. True. Me and Brad (ever notice how I refer to my Head Coach by 1st name and all other players refer to them as Coach) have made allowances for my stellar unique brand of quarterback play.

Here's how the 40% breaks down:

10%: Throwing late down the middle into triple coverage. This includes
ME motioning to receivers after the play, on camera, to put the blame on them for the interception or incompletion.

!0%: Throwing wounded ducks when I'm in the grasp of a defender, because getting sacked doesn't pat my stats. This includes throwing my O-Line under the bus even though I held the football for 10 seconds.

10%: Going for the big strike, instead of just going for the 1st down & moving the chains. Does anyone really remember how many 1st downs Joe Montana made?

5%: Forcing the ball to a receiver instead of checking down to a running back. When you check down & the running back racks up big yeards, who get the credit? Not

5%: Calling audibles, trying to prove I am smarter than the coach and bigger than the team.

Now, that's what I call a playbook...


Steve McNair

I don't know if you've heard about my good friend Steve McNair. Needless to say I am shocked & saddened and my heartfelt thoughts & prayers go out to his family & friends. I just found out about this yesterday. I've been so wrapped up with ME stuff that I must have missed it originally.

I mean, Steve & ME we're tight. Both from Mississippi, brothers on the gridiron, helping with each others charities. When did this happen anyway? I'm going have to jack up my pimps over at ESPN. They're supposed to keep ME in touch with this kinda stuff.

Rest In Peace & Godspeed Steve. May the wind be forever at your back.

Still can't believe it. I think I'll send one of my servants to get a card or something...


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Getting Close

The time is near my loyal subjects. You shall not have to wait much longer. I wish you did actually, because I despise training camp. But I also understand the pain of the little people (everyone but ME). 3 months is a long time to grovel, even though I am well worth it.

Next week the official coronation signing will take place. I give you my word. And we all know what that's worth...


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Am I hot or what? Got Playgirl on the phone as we speak. They want to see more of ME! Not sure what they mean cause I am pretty exposed in this photo. They must be talking about my left leg. It's kinda covered by my tractor...


The Truth About The Condo

You're probably wondering why I put a $30,000 deposit on a condo in Minnesota, so let me clarify. $30K is all the pocket change I had when Deanna & ME went condo shopping. We really liked the condo and wanted to hold it until we can funnel some money out of Brett Favre Steakhouse petty cash to pay for it.

These things take time, especially when you're cultivating a "good 'ol boy" image. So, until we "officially buy" (we'll contact ESPN) the condo, please visit the Brett Favre Steakhouse. It's overpriced & has average food at best, but you're supporting a great cause (ME). So eat, drink, spend money.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Paying Homage to Vince

A lot of people were pissed when I said my situation with the Vikings was similar to Lombardi's with the Washington Redskins. As I explained before, Vince was just a coach, so just chill.

But, to appease the little people (anyone but ME), I would like to smooth the collective feathers by replaying one of my favorite quotes from Vince (if he were alive, we'd be on a 1st name basis, because I'm ME).

"Money isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing".
~Vince Lombardi~

And you thought we didn't have a lot in common. Who's looking stupid now?


My Future Agenda

OK. Now I'm pissed !!! Did you see this video? So NOT funny... I need to get to the bottom of this. Who the hell released my future agenda without my approval?

Boy is Deanna going to be pissed. I promised this would be my last year....


7/6/09 5:16 AM

Did you check my new media puppet? Dr James Andrews. He's getting on in years & was looking for a retirement gig so who better to learn from...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

7/4/09 9:26 AM

Wondering why they haven't been selling #4 Viking's jerseys? Cause I haven't given them the OK. I'll let Roger know when it's OK with ME...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

7/2/09 8:19 AM

Word is, I'm coming back just for revenge on the Packers. Really people, are you that dumb? There's a whole lotta ca-ching on the table...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

7/1/09 7:14 AM

OK. I'm back & ready to be ME, especially after being family guy for 10 days. It was harder than keeping my consecutive game streak alive...